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English Language Challenges

I think that the methodology of the teacher in English three and English four are very differents. The only thing that still the same is the blog. But with the  former teacher there are not reliance to show our blogs after the publication.  Also the blogs normally were made after classes, because we don´t have time in it. I think that the most valuable of the learning was the exercising of the oral part. In the school was unthinkable speak in english. and the written either, we never write. the experience of blog helped me to practice and familiarized with the english. I don’t think in English, and I don’t have much vocabulary either so that makes me I can´t speak fluent. the sequence of the words are not always right, or the word its not the best. I guess that for these aspects I have to motivated my self to learn the composition of the sentence, because until in spanish I don´t have the consciously of the rules of the language. and most of all practice with someone that´s know. ou

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